Parent Meeting
Wednesday May 24th
5pm @ WW Cafeteria
Commitment to the All-Star Tournament requires several things. Firstly, you will need to provide the paperwork listed below to render your player eligible. Then you will need to commit time in June for practices; time to be determined by the team manager. Lastly, the players will need to be available for ALL tournament games. (June-July) Here is a list of paperwork you will need to provide:
School enrollment form
Medical Release Form
Three forms of proof of residency (these come from three different categories of documentation, explained at the all-star meeting)
Original birth certificate (returned at the end of the tournament)
Signed commitment of availability for practices and games
All forms are treated with utmost care and consideration. No one will view the documents excepting the player agent, president of league and president of district 49. You will be contacted for the date of the All-Star Tournament family meeting. Families will be responsible to purchase the all-star jersey and hat by registering their player for the tournament on the little league website. Again, congratulations to you and your player. We look forward to a successful and rewarding tournament experience!
Laura Morrow
Player Agent
Wrightwood Little League